More about Future Value Creation Research Center
The information revolution has greatly expanded our methods for solving various problems in the world and also provided us with the means for creating new value. Information science and technology has the potential to provide new value which human beings could not have imagined previously.
The ultimate goal of the Graduate School is to create new “informatics”. In the new “informatics”, we understand the need to integrate nature, human beings, society and artifacts as a ‘system’ for creating a flow of information. We then design new robust information flows which capture “information systems in a broad sense” including laws, norms, institutions, organizations and decision-making.
In order to further develop and carryout our mission, we established the Future Value Creation Research Center, Graduate School of Informatics in 2017. The Center also plays a role in connecting university seeds to value creation.
Activity Scheme
Research and Educational Projects
Program for Leading Graduate Schools Graduate Program for Real-World Data Circulation Leaders
Ministry of Education (MEXT) Budget request for organizing education and research institutions
「Nagoya University is establishing the School of Informatics and Graduate School of Informatics (tentative name), along with the Future Value Creation Research Center (tentative name)」
Faculty Members
Executive Director / Professor TAKEDA, Koichi
Vice Director/ Incubation Unit Leader/Professor KITA, Eisuke
Associcate Professor SASANO, Ryohei
Human Resources Development Unit Leader/Professor TAKEDA, Kazuya
Human Resources Development Unit/Designated Prof. DEGAWA, Akimichi
Incubation Unit/Professor KAWAGUCHI, Jun
HARA, Kunihiko
Collaborative / Visiting Professor
Department of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences /
Visiting Assoc. Professor. KOBAYASHI, Tessei (NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
Department of Computing and Software Systems /
Visiting Professor, OHYAMA, Hiroshi (OKUMA Corporation)
Visiting Professor, TADOKORO, Yukihiro (Toyota Central R&D Labs)
Department of Computing and Software Systems /
Visiting Assoc. Prof. OTANI, Sugako (Resesas Electoronics Corporation)
Department of Intelligent Systems /
Visiting Assoc. Prof. OGAWA, Atsunori (NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
The Future Value Creation Research Center is composed of three units: the Core Research Unit, the Human Resources Development Unit and the Incubation Unit. Each unit promotes various activities – in particular, the projects and special interest groups below – ranging from basic research to entrepreneurship with the aim of creating the informatics and the new value required by our society where the real world and the cyber space are closely interconnected.
Manufacturing Informatics Group
Conventional materials design and processing in materials science and engineering required a lot of time for experiments and calculation of material properties, and it was difficult to efficiently develop and manufacture high value-added products from a huge number of potential candidates for new materials.
Manufacturing Informatics Group aims to build a new technical basis for data-driven, innovative manufacturing by integrating informatics approaches, such as machine learning, with materials engineering ranging from materials search to manufacturing and production processes.
Natural Language Processing Group
Natural language processing (NLP) is actively studied as one of the main themes in the artificial intelligence field. It has recently become an essential technical basis for every-day tools such as machine translation and smart speakers. On the other hand, the mechanism of natural language understanding, where human beings acquire knowledge through a language to understand the world, has hardly been elucidated.
The Natural Language Processing Group works on such a wide range of research issues and solutions, and aims to promote collaboration among researchers both inside/outside of the university and of multi-disciplinary fields for contributing greatly to the advancement of NLP research.
Positive Informatics Project
“Positive informatics” is intended to engender happiness (well-being) for human beings and society through information in the artificially intelligent society of the future (the super-smart society).
Material, Biological, and Agricultural Informatics Project
There is a dramatic increase in accumulated data on material information (atomic structure, functional group, physical properties, etc.) and biological information (gene/genome information, protein information, etc.).
These data are analyzed using methods such as machine learning and AI to research utilization for materials, agriculture, the food industry, and drug discovery, with the aim of realizing a sustainable recycling society and extending healthy life expectancy.