Department of Natural Informatics


At the Department of Natural Informatics, we are promoting new findings and solving various problems facing human beings through data analysis and mathematical modeling of natural phenomena and social phenomena in order to contribute to the sustainable development of our society and to foster human resources that are mainly data analysts and data scientists for creating new value.

This department collects and analyzes various data by utilizing informatics for various problems such as the environmental, energy, declining birthrate and other problems that mankind faces, in order to develop the human resources that can clarify the issues and identify the tasks necessary to solve these problems.

In general, many people often consider “analysis as a science, with countermeasure planning as a liberal arts”, but this department transcends such vertical thinking and takes on problems objectively based on the data by developing human resources that are capable of presenting realistic solutions to problems by understanding the constraints of both liberal arts and sciences including the human and social aspects.
In addition, we will provide education for acquiring the following knowledge and skills necessary for such human resource development.

  • Data analysis capabilities to objectively understand problems from data sources
  • Mathematical and logical thinking capabilities to build mathematical models from data sources
  • Numerical analytical capabilities for computer simulations on mathematical models to obtain concrete solutions

Professions that utilize such knowledge and skills for contributing to society include: data analysts for market data and enterprise big data; data analysts for demographic dynamics, economic censuses and medical statistics for government agencies; and, teachers of mathematics department and information department for secondary education. Through nurturing such human resources, the Department of Natural Informatics continues to contribute to society.


Faculty Members

9 Faculty Members of Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics
24 Faculty Members of Department of Complex Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics

Asso. Prof.  NAGAO, Masahiro*1
*1 Graduate School of Environmental Studies


Division of Mathematical Informatics

The Division of Mathematical Informatics focuses on mathematical science, mathematical logic, optimization theory, and quantum information science as well as focusing on mathematical algorithms that analyze data obtained from the world of nature, society and man-made objects.


Introduction to Mathematical Informatics 1・2
Advanced Calculus 1・2
Mathematical Informatics Exercise 1-9
Mathematical Informatics 1-18

Division of Complex Systems Science

The Division of Complex Systems Science deals with complex system theory, simulations and designs using supercomputers, to offer education with an emphasis in such areas as computational science, material informatics, bioinformatics, system science, data science, etc.


Complex Systems Exercise 1-8
Introduction to Complex Systems 1・2
Physical and Life Science Informatics1-11
Computational Informatics 1-12


A layout for the rectilinear block packing problem

Computer terminals freely available for student use

Complex Systems Exercise

Computational Informatics 5