Nagoya University concluded a basic agreement on June 13 (Tue), 2017 with the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (President: Hiroshi Matsumoto; hereinafter “RIKEN”) regarding the promotion of their partnership and cooperation.
Under the agreement, Nagoya University and RIKEN will build a new framework for their partnership and cooperation in which both parties contribute their research capacities and environments, as well as their human resources, with the aim of exerting their combined strengths in a synergistic manner. In doing so, the two institutions are expected to play a crucial role in the advancement of academic scholarship, scientific technologies and the development of education in Japan.
Nagoya University’s newly established research center, Future Value Creation Research Center of the Graduate School of Informatics(FVCRC, GSI-NU), jointly with the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, have begun investigations into a completely new research project centered around the theme of “constructing fundamental technologies for a manufacturing revolution through manufacturing informatics,” and they will be working toward a more concrete realization of the project.
In the beginning of the signing ceremony, Prof. TAKEDA Koichi, the Executive Directior of FVCRC, GSI-NU, briefing the overview of the planning research projects with the RIKEN center for AIP.
Prof. TAKEDA Koichi,
The Executive Director of FVCRC
GSI-NU is also considering the establishment of collaborative spaces on campus for each collaborative field, planned for use in facilitating efficient advancement of collaborative research and personnel exchanges, as well as the expansion of collaborative fields.